Ukraine’s People of the Mountains

Among them, the American Anabaptist family found refuge from the Russian military.
mountains in western Ukraine

Far up the curvy mountain roads, away from the cities and the bustle of life, where the only rushing thing is the winding river that gurgles and babbles over the stones, are little houses built against the steep mountain sides. The people of these mountains are like the countryside they live in, rugged and sturdy. They climb the steep paths with little effort, and their hearts burn with fierce loyalty to their country. Some call them “Gutzuls”, a name for the mountain people of Carpathians.

They live in simple houses and find satisfaction in their prized cows with their bells that roam the mountainside in the summer and eat the rich mountain hay in the winter. They heat their tiny houses with a pechka, a very versatile woodstove. It is upon these pechkas they cook their banosh, traditional corn mush, and it is in the depths of the pechka that they bake their bread. Nearly always you’ll find a kettle of water upon the stove, heating for a cup of tea, a sponge bath, or dish water. Freshly laundered clothes are hung by the pechka where the wood heat chases away the moisture.

The accent of these mountaineers clings thickly to their speech, distinguishing them from the rest of Ukraine’s population. They have a dialect of their own, a whole collection of words that belong exclusively to the mountain Gutzuls. They understand Russian, but rarely condescend to using the language of their enemies. During Soviet times they had been forced to speak it, but now they were free and speak only their mountain dialect. Read it all

Family Flees Russian Invasion in Ukraine

A first-person report of God's grace from long-time residents of Ukraine

The night hours slipped by as we crawled along, stuck in a traffic jam, moving only a few meters at a time. The darkness as we wove our way around potholes and through villages was unnerving. Where were the lighted houses, the occasional lit up store, the other lights that trademark the villages? Blackout, that’s what it was. The thick darkness was a feeble effort at keeping Putin’s troops from spotting villages and towns to bomb. Read it all

Putin Offer: Russian Troops on Golan Heights

Mr. Netanyahu, better turn this one down quickly and emphatically. This can't be good for Israel.
Photo of Putin and Netanyahu
Mr. Netanyahu, better that he be unhappy!

With a hat tip to Joel C. Rosenberg . . .

Vladimir Putin, the Czar of Russia, has offered to put Russian troops on the Golan Heights — the mountain range controlled by Israel but claimed by Syria — to serve as U.N. peacekeepers between Syria and Israel, now that the government of Austria has decided withdraw its participation in the peacekeeping force.Putin and Netanyahu.

Putin has spoken directly by phone to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu about the offer, and presumably would not have made it without first discussing the idea with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

If both sides agree, this would put armed Russian soldiers on the northern mountains of Israel for the first time in the modern history of the State of Israel.

The move might also have prophetic significance.

BREAKING: Putin offers to put Russian troops on the Golan Heights

Does Israel need armed Russian troops looking down on them from the Golan?

Would a “UN” Russian beachhead like that be a good deal for Israel?

I answer both negatively.

As Mark Roth said, he who dances with a bear gets eaten. 😯 Or was it, only dunces dance with bears? Both.

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.

And for ours, as we rush headlong to Armageddon.

PS: In case you didn’t know, Joel C. Rosenberg has written some pretty interesting books, including the recently released Damascus Countdown.

Putin’s Next Move?

So I suppose you’re thinking I’m going to blame Russia’s Putin for the plane crash that killed Poland’s president and others.

Oh. Please. 🙄

OK, the “I am not a kook” disclaimer aside, I admit to wondering if the above tragedy was an orchestrated event or will lead to orchestrated events or both or neither.

Watch Russia, that’s what I say.

Was Poland’s leader a nationalist?

Was he a so-called right winger?

What influences will Russia exert in the Leader Replacement Process in Poland?

Russia aside, will The Mysterious They use this as another step toward OWG?

Who’s next?

For the record, I learned about this on Twitter when I saw Poland and Polish President as trending topics.

Furthermore, I have read only one very short news article on this disaster.

Whatever happened, is happening, and will happen, nothing is a surprise to God nor beyond His control.

May God be able to comfort the families and friends of the dead.

May God use my former student and his wife and their colleagues serving in Poland.

May God use His other people in Poland.

And may God bless Poland.

The Deepening Iran Crisis

OK, so I’m a little slow…. In his article dated October 5, 2009, George Friedman of Strategic Forecasting reports:

Two major leaks occurred this weekend over the Iran matter.

In the first, The New York Times published an article reporting that staff at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the U.N. nuclear oversight group, had produced an unreleased report saying that Iran was much more advanced in its nuclear program than the IAEA had thought previously. According to the report, Iran now has all the data needed to design a nuclear weapon. The New York Times article added that U.S. intelligence was re-examining the National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) of 2007, which had stated that Iran was not actively pursuing a nuclear weapon.

The second leak occurred in the British paper The Sunday Times, which reported that the purpose of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s highly publicized secret visit to Moscow on Sept. 7 was to provide the Russians with a list of Russian scientists and engineers working on Iran’s nuclear weapons program.


If Netanyahu went to Moscow to deliver this intelligence to the Russians, the only surprise would have been the degree to which the Israelis had penetrated the program, not that the Russians were there. The Russian intelligence services are superbly competent, and keep track of stray nuclear scientists carefully. They would not be surprised by the charge, only by Israel’s knowledge of it.


Two conclusions can be drawn. First, the Israelis no longer need to add to their knowledge of Russian involvement; they know what they need to know. And second, the Israelis do not expect Iranian development to continue much longer; otherwise, maintaining the intelligence capability would take precedence over anything else.

It follows from this that the use of this intelligence in diplomatic confrontations with Russians and in a British newspaper serves a greater purpose than the integrity of the source system. And that means that the Israelis expect a resolution in the very near future — the only reason they would have blown their penetration of the Russian-Iranian system.


The least that can be said about this is that the Obama administration and Israel are trying to reshape the negotiations with the Iranians and Russians. The most that can be said is that the Americans and Israelis are preparing the public for war. Polls now indicate that more than 60 percent of the U.S. public now favors military action against Iran. From a political point of view, it has become easier for U.S. President Barack Obama to act than to not act. This, too, is being transmitted to the Iranians and Russians.

It is not clear to us that the Russians or Iranians are getting the message yet. They have convinced themselves that Obama is unlikely to act because he is weak at home and already has too many issues to juggle. This is a case where a reputation for being conciliatory actually increases the chances for war. But the leaks this weekend have strikingly limited the options and timelines of the United States and Israel. They also have put the spotlight on Obama at a time when he already is struggling with health care and Afghanistan. History is rarely considerate of presidential plans, and in this case, the leaks have started to force Obama’s hand.

So there you are.

If that’s going to keep you awake, you just as well read the full article, eh? Here you are: Two Leaks and the Deepening Iran Crisis

“Mark my words,
it will not be six months
before the world tests Barack Obama
like they did John Kennedy.”
Joe Biden
Above all, love God!