Proverbs 31:21-31

I’m also a child.

So I’ve been falling down in both of these callings:

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her” (28).


And Mother’s Day.

Those are my days to bless and praise my wife and my Mom.

I’ve got to do better.

They deserve better.

[In her tongue is the law of kindness (Proverbs 31:26)]
from Proverbs 31:26

One thought on “I’m a Husband

  1. How blessed is your Wife that you see your shortcomings Mark, how blessed are you that you do, how thankful is the Lord that one of His children is not content to accept the slavery of the flesh.

    When a Child comes to the understanding that what they are doing wrong needs to be changed not because if they don’t change they will be punished, but because they no longer want to hurt their beloved Parents by misbehaving, then there is rejoicing. When one sinner repents not because of fear but because of Love then there is great rejoicing in Heaven.

    Think Mark if one of your daughters said Daddy I’m going to stop being naughty because I Love you, but your other daughter tells you, I will try to behave because I’m frightened of you and what you will do to me if I don’t, how would you feel, which response would warn your heart?

    Mark as you know, we will never measure up in the flesh, we will continue to fail, but we rejoice because we realise we can’t no one can, and so humbly we finally Trust in the Lord to empower us. Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. ( Repentance ) Blessed are those who hunger ( Pant ) after righteousness because they will be filled.

    One of your Daughters tells you … I tried Daddy but it didn’t work, I’m giving up it’s easier being naughty. The other Daughter says… I Love you too much Daddy to give up, but I need your help, please show me the way. What is your heart response Mark ?

    Have you ever wondered Mark why Wisdom is referred to in the female gender or perhaps you know, What is God’s Wisdom?

    Jas 3:17 But the Wisdom that comes from Heaven is first of all Pure; then Peace-loving, Considerate, Submissive, full of Mercy and Good fruit, Impartial and Sincere.
    This we can only have as we walk in Christ Jesus and are in submission to Him and also to our other Brothers and Sisters in Faith and all who are in Authority over us. God has placed Woman under the Leadership of Man and in this submission she will find her greatest worth, in this roll that she has been ordained for and she will be greatly blessed.

    What of Man, same thing, to be a Godly Leader a Man needs to seek to Serve , to Sacrifice, to Love as Christ Loves the Church… impossible in the flesh.

    When we walk in the Lord’s shoes we are filled with an inexpressible Joy, we are obtaining the goal of our Salvation which is to be as Christ in all we do say,and think.

    Do you see why Satan has subjected Woman Mark, he needed to put them down, because only in Loving Unity can a Man and Woman be fulfilled unless God as given a Man or Woman the Unity of His Spirit in this area, but it’s a calling not a choice.

    If a Woman feels put down and not Loved she will rebel and if a Man is not respected in Leadership he will strike out, does that mean we condone sinful behaviour in our Spouses or ourselves, No God must come first, but we examine why this is so, we seek the Lord’s understanding, He will show us who is in the wrong and empower us to put our Relationship in order… His order.

    Daughters, Daughters, Daughters, Daughters, God’s Heart response to the need of His Male Creation, as they grow into Women that seek the Lord with all their heart they fulfil a very special calling which is to be a helpmate Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically to their Husbands or those Men God has put in Authority over them,. They have been called to serve this is a high calling not a lowly one and they will be greatly blessed in this God given roll, if it is by choice not because of pressure or fear.

    Sons are indeed a Blessing from the Lord and in Christ Jesus they will stand firm and defend their Father, but Daughters will fulfil the needs of the heart, for in Christ Jesus they are a delight to the Lord and their Husbands will be as Sons to a Godly Father in Law and stand along side him in Unity against any attack from the enemy. Godly Children are indeed a Blessing from the Lord, how greatly blessed you are Mark perhaps more then you will ever realise… but perhaps you do know.

    I’m not sure if you receive my other Emails and Power Points but I will continue to send them.

    God continues to bless you greatly Mark – Christian Love Anne

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