Gentle thoughtfulness and considerate respect accomplish...

Proverbs 29:19-27

“He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child shall have him become his son at the length” (21).

How contrary is that to normal things?

A slave become as a son?

A servant as the heir?

Gentle thoughtfulness and considerate respect accomplish amazing things in a heart that might otherwise be disposed toward enmity.

I have no slave. I have no servant. So what does this verse have to do with me?

Maybe nothing.

But this morning at this moment, it does have a message for me: Sow the right seeds in a relationship and you’ll get a good harvest.

[A man's pride shall bring him low: but honour shall uphold the humble in spirit (Proverbs 29:23)]
from Proverbs 29:23

3 thoughts on “Make Friends; Influence People

  1. What it means to ME is that the fairy tales are true (Cinderella). The meek SHALL inherit the earth. The fatherless (me) shall become sons of the king himself!! How wonderful is that?

  2. Hi Mark are not all of God’s redeemed Children first His servants and then His friends and is He not planting the seeds from the time we are born so that they my be harvested in due time fully grown and mature, or do we choose to remain Childish and unable to be all we could be in Christ Jesus…. what a waste!

    To sow the right seeds in a relationship they have to be in agreement with God’s Truth, to plant seeds of compromise to a lie will lead to weeds not abundant fruit.

    Someone once said to me is it more important for you to be right or to be at peace with your family and friends.
    To be honest if I know what I’m saying is God’s Truth then I need to stand up for it like Jesus did, yes He could have backed down and agreed with the Church Leaders and even Peter one of His closest friends although of course this would have been impossible as you know as Jesus Christ is sinless, but what if … perhaps He would then not have been crucified but at what cost.

    If I accept a lie as Truth then I may come to believe it, but at what cost. Although there may be two ways at looking at any given situation or subject they both need to agree with God’s Truth, there is only Black or White no grey, in the same way we can be only Hot or Cold not luke warm, if we are luke warm we have no relationship with God, even if we think we have. Yet with repentance and the wonder of God’s grace because He is always faithful, He will set us on the right course and help us stand firm to the end. How good is that!

    Take Care in Jesus Mark – Christian Love Anne

  3. Hi Mark,
    I teach a youth S.S. class and while browsing for some info on the lesson last week I fell on your site. It was exactly what I needed to just give me a little shove to dig deeper and put a bit more effort into my class. Thank you for the information.

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