Real living so easily distracts from the One who is real life!

His mission and message kept John the Baptist very busy. But one day, in his bustling activity, he saw the One and shouted, “Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

John was not so caught up with his ministry and his message that he missed seeing Jesus. John was not so consumed with himself and his surroundings that he missed seeing Jesus. John was not so aware of the people that he missed seeing the Person. John was not so busy exposing and condemning hypocrisy that he missed seeing the True One. I wish this were true of me.

I can get so involved with these devotional commentaries…that I can actually miss seeing Jesus. I can become so involved with mission board work and school board work…that I miss seeing Jesus. I can get so bogged down with my failings (and successes)…that I miss seeing Jesus. I can become so consumed in my pursuit of solutions to interpersonal problems and family foul-ups…that I miss seeing Jesus.

My friend, how can I point out the Lamb of God to others if I have missed seeing Him myself? Life is not about commentaries, boards, failings (and successes), and problem-solving. Life is about Jesus! Because Jesus is life. And Jesus is the One who takes away the sin of the world.

The Voice and His Witness

I ended up at my own piece above after reading a friend’s post: Exposing God.

That's how He loves us!

“Thou…hast loved them, as thou hast loved me” (John 17:23).

“As the Father hath loved me, so have I loved you” (John 15:9).

The love shared within the triune Godhead is shared with us humans!

Since God “exports” His “internal” love, will He in me not also export His love?

Even as I revel in being loved by the Father Continue reading