He alone is worthy -- some implications in my life. And yours.
Reading: Revelation 5:5-13

Where, then, is boasting, ungratefulness, and selfishness?!

The Lamb is worthy!

He was slain for our redemption. He was slain for our cleansing. He was slain for our peace. He was slain for our healing. He was slain. For me. For you. For us.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him belongs power. The Lamb has power to control, to govern, to conquer. He also has power to heal, to bless, to free, to strengthen. His power is unequaled, unrivaled, unlimited. May His power be over us, in us, and through us.

The Lamb is worthy!

To Him belong riches. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. And the fish in a thousand lakes. And the minerals in a thousand mines. And all the wealth of a thousand galaxies. He also owns the riches of mercy, grace, and longsuffering. He will supply all my need, all your need, and all our need.

Read the rest here: The Worthy Lamb of God.

verse on calves background

Consider, though, some implications of that truth in our lives:

  • We will not boast of our skills.
  • We will not glory in our accomplishments.
  • We will not be unthankful.
  • We will learn to praise Him more frequently.
  • We will remember to live for Him.

What do you have to add?


Revelation 21:1-8

Am I ready for a new beginning or am I amply satisfied with trying to make the best of and improve on the old presentness?

Is my heart so rooted in the first earth that I am kinda regretful at the prospect of its passing away?

Today, how shall I prepare myself for Christ?

What shall I do now with the stuff of this life, before these “former things are passed away”?

What is Jesus Christ to me? And how does that compare with what He wishes to be to me?

Am I waiting for Heaven for my new beginning?

In what do I need to be an overcomer today?

“The fearful, and unbelieving” need trust and faith in Christ — does that include me? What should I do about my answer?