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To the Point . . .

"Perspective and Morals"

When Blue Orb seems very big and the stars seem very small,
Perspective asks me questions, "Is Blue Orb really big
and are the stars really small?
What is really right? My friend Morals needs to know."

In search for answers I start my journey.
I leave Blue Orb's plane and continue on
on past Mars and Jupiter,
on past Kuiper Belt and Sirius Star.
The years roll by as I sail on,
faster than the speed of light on past Ursa Major,
on past Quasars, on past Cosmic Background Radiation.
And, marvel of all marvels, on past Big Bang!

Then, in the quiet stillness of Infinity,
I find God, a presence everywhere and eternal.
A Presence called The Righteous One,
a Presence so alive, yet, so unchanging.
And now, I see!
This is what I see: Blue Orb IS very, very small.
Much, much too small to encompass "The right."
What is right is that which now fills the heavens and beyond.
What is right is God.
And who is God?
"His righteousness endures forever," the Scriptures say.
"His mercy endures forever."

I hurry back to Blue Orb's dust.
"What is right," I shout, "is Mercy. What is right is Compassion.
Tell your friend Morals, 'What is right is what God is.
And what we ought, we now know.'"

But, in time, Blue Orb seems very, very big
and the stars seem very, very small.
Faithful Perspective Prodder continues to remind me
that, though Blue Orb should see demise,
The Righteous One will reign forever.

And please please tell Morals, because Morals needs to know.

Elva B. Miller -- Harrisonburg, Virginia

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