How to tell that Jesus has first place in a life

Last night I read the text of this morning’s Sunday School lessons in the upper classes in our congregation: Colossians 1:9-29. The title of the lesson is “The Preeminence of Christ.”

I had two basic questions:

  • How do I know — show, if you will — that Christ truly is preeminent in me?
  • How is Christ preeminent in my church? (What does that look like, as “they” say?)

Those give the same fundamental question different phrasing. I leave the question and its answers hanging here. Continue reading

A Bible acrostic by Noreen Roth, encouraging contentment in God and His care

contentment -- a Bible acrostic by Noreen Roth

Contentment — those who have it and godliness have gained two great things. How do we become content? (Or is the real question, how do we choose contentment?)

Mom sent me her latest Bible acrostic last week. Now you can see it for yourself. 🙂

Casting all your care upon Him (1 Peter 5:7).
Our help is in the name of the Lord (Psalm 124:8). Continue reading