Psalm 141

I don’t like to give correction. Neither do I enjoy receiving correction. But if I understand correction to be the act of setting in the correct way, why not?

Well, that’s not what I started out to post this morning. Check this out:

“Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness: and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil, which shall not break my head: for yet my prayer also shall be in their calamities” (5).

I know I should accept and be grateful for any “setting in the correct way” I receive. I know I should always prefer to be corrected instead of being left in the wrong way — no matter who does the correcting, or how, or why.

But I would much rather have it come from a righteous person. I would much rather be corrected kindly, gentle, considerately.

Even more importantly, let me be that way when I correct someone else!

Though I need to hurt (even deeply) in the process of correcting, may I do it with kindness and carefulness. And with healing (as with an excellent oil).

[Let my prayer be set forth before thee as incense (Psalm 141:2)]

from Psalm 141:2

A little bit more from Psalm 141: My Eyes Are on God

Surely you could add something...
