Sometimes I say or write “beautiful” and/or “inspirational” and/or “pious” things. When my children hear or read such things, sometimes I wonder if any one of them thinks: “That doesn’t fit Dad. I know him — what he’s saying just doesn’t fit him.”

I want the words I say and write to fit me. And when they’re “spiritual” words, I want me to fit them as well.

“Bow down thine ear, and hear the words of the wise, and apply thine heart unto my knowledge. For it is a pleasant thing if thou keep them within thee; they shall withal be fitted in thy lips” (Proverbs 22:17,18).

So the keys to having lofty words fit me is pay attention to them in my own living, to apply myself to them, to keep them within me…consciously and purposefully.

Will God’s Word echo through my being today? Or is my heart too dull to echo at all?

Oh, by the way, at what point does midlife crisis kick in? I was born 46 years ago today. Since I don’t expect to live to be 92, perhaps I have already put my midlife crisis behind me.

3 thoughts on “Do They Fit?

  1. Brother Mark, I hope your birthday was enjoyable. In answer to your question, I wonder if “mid-life crisis” is just another “worldly way” to allow us to excuse our weaknesses and failures in life?

    I have been lifted up by your thoughts here. I too want the words that flow from my mouth and fingers to be from within and true to the actions of the man that I am.

    Please keep this blog going, you are helping me a lot with your thoughts and with your use of Scripture, especially from the Old Testament. This site is like a garden of rest and allows me to pause and reflect on my life with God.

    Yours in Christ, TS.

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