dross — (n) waste or impure matter; scum that forms on the surface of molten metal as a result of oxidation

finer — (n) a worker in silver and gold

“Take away the dross from the silver, and there shall come forth a vessel for the finer” (Proverbs 25:5).

That’s what I want!

That’s what I do not want!

I want to be pure silver in the Master’s hands, so that He may shape me into something beautiful to Him as well as useful to Him.

But I shrink from the purifying process — it involves exposure to spiritual fires and oxidation. Ouch!

As I struggle through the trials and tests, may I rest in His loving skill and empowering grace, trusting His wisdom and vision.

Notice I said “as I struggle” — not “after I have struggled.” May God help me to a right focus and perspective during the process.

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