One thought on “For Times Like These?

  1. Dear Mark, yes God has a plan for each one of us and together we fulfil and complete His will and purpose, but sadly many continue to walk in the flesh and so do not fulfil that for which they were chosen. This is because it is impossible to fulfil God’s planes through our own effort, He prepares our works in advance, He equips us, He motivates us, our responsibility is to choose to do His will, but even in this it depends where our focus is.

    We are born with faith but we can choose to have faith in the things of this world believing that they will fulfil and complete us, or we can have Godly Faith, with this we fully accept God’s total control and provision for us in everything like a young child does with his parents he trusts and depends on them.

    Like Children we will be disciplined, if we are not then we are not God’s Children and yes it will be unpleasant but we remember God is Love and He will strengthen us through it.

    Is Jesus Christ Lord of our lives…. only when we can say this from our heart is this so and we can only do this as we walk in Him. We need to grow up in Christ and not remain infants seeking milk instead of meat – Christian Love Anne… God’s servant, God’s friend… God’s Child and co- heir with Christ Jesus, to Him be the Glory.

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