“A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass, and a rod for the fool’s back” (Proverbs 26:3).

What does that verse have to do with this post’s title?

Well, consider two more questions…and then personalize all this (it’s not much, really).

How easily does God direct me?

To what does God have to resort to get my undivided attention?

2 thoughts on “Mark. Mark? Mark!

  1. I too thank you for the link; I also thank you for your posts. I do so hunger and thirst after righteousness and though His child I forget that I have a well of water springing up within me and do not drink as I ought. God is faithful, and I welcome his lash when it is necessary, but I pray that I can mature into a fruitful servant.

    Thanks again my brother for your help and reminders. May God bless you.

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