Deuteronomy 6:1-9, 20-25

Again, I introduce the next Sunday School lesson with a series of questions for personal introspection, evaluation, and heart-searching:

“Which the LORD your God commanded to teach you” (1) — Must all I teach be at God’s command as well as be sourced in Him?

Must I always be first and continually a learner of that which I would teach?

What benefits do I derive from being obedient?

What must come before diligent parental teaching?

How do I implement this kind of diligent teaching in the New Testament age?

Similarly, how strongly should I take on my Anabaptist heritage and identity?

“And the LORD commanded us to do all…for our good always” (24) — Is that supposed to be the motivation and goal of my teaching as well?

“And it shall be our righteousness” (25) — Just what is my righteousness?

[The Scriptures say in Deuteronomy 6:24 -- And the LORD commanded us to do all...for our good always]
from Deuteronomy 6:24

One thought on “Training That Develops Obedience

  1. Some time back I received an email from a theologian (who calls herself a ‘reverend’ ), who informed me that she was so busy teaching and doing her Pastoral work, that she did not have much time to read. So I have wondered how she manages to learn more about God’s Word.

Surely you could add something...