Two Divine Gifts

For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake.

Philippians 1:29


Philippians 1:18-29

Do I rejoice at Christ being preached, no matter how He’s preached?

Am I depending on the prayers of others as well as the provision of God’s Spirit?

Have I made my body available to Christ, so by it He may magnify Himself?

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” — seriously? How so?

What am I willing to endure for the “furtherance and joy of faith” of others?

My life; the Gospel of Christ — how well does the former fit the latter?

What are others hearing of my standing in and relationships with my home congregation?

Believing on Christ and suffering for His sake — can I learn to see them both as gifts from God’s hand?

[The Scriptures say in Philippians 1:29 -- Unto you it is suffer for his sake]
from Philippians 1:29

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