Am I doing so with a godly spirit and in the right way?

“We Know Him!”

And he did not many mighty works there because of their unbelief.

Matthew 13:58


Matthew 13:54-58

“Is not this the carpenter’s son?” (Matthew 13:55).

Should I move “there” because I think I will be more appreciated and my gifts more recognized?

Do I appreciate our local “prophets” less than the visiting ones?

Do I reject a local leader just because I know him so well as “one of us”?

Might my “unbelief” in him affect the effectiveness of a leader in my home congregation?

Am I handling personal rejection in a godly manner?

What is a godly way to dealing with such rejection?

[The Scriptures say in Matthew 13:57 -- A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house]
from Matthew 13:57

Surely you could add something...
