What brings me pleasure? From what do I derive it? What do I do for enjoyment, entertainment, and/or fun?

Two of my answers require from me particular caution and vigilance: reading and Web browsing. If I had TV or some other sort of video, the challenge would be magnified for me.

That’s why a piece of 2 Thessalonians 2:12 serves me well as both a warning and a reminder:

“…Had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

I’m not talking about books and other sources whose primary focus is sin, although they are certainly included.

I’m talking about pleasure sources that may be amoral or even moral for the most part but have unrighteousness scattered through them.

I know, I know. Life is life, and life has loads of unrighteousness through it.

But why must my “entertainment” present it?

To be more interesting and realistic.

Fine. My concern stands.

This is a strike against many of contemporary Christian novels.

(Oooops! This post sounds more like a mini-sermon than mere personal devotional meanderings.)

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