What is my mission in life? What do I want to accomplish?

Those are terribly important questions, but here’s one that’s even more important: What is God’s mission for me and what does He want me to accomplish?

Toward the end of His earthly ministry, Jesus declared with confidence:

“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do” (John 17:4).

I know that I have glorified Jesus with my life . . . but not as fully nor as often as I should have.

And some of the “big projects” He gave me to do I have not done well.

Still, my heart is set to do better.

I purpose to bring glory to Him.

I purpose to do the work He has assigned to me. I believe my most important jobs are that of husband and father. So many opportunities to glorify God and to bless my family . . . . And so many opportunities for failure . . . .

Help — I need lots of it.

Surely you could add something...