“Behold, I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves” (Amos 2:13).

Interesting verse! And heart-searching.

I know the Almighty can’t be overloaded and overwhelmed.

But my rejection of Him and His ways burdens Him tremendously.

Oh, He can take it. I’m not concerned for Him at all in that regard.

But why should I be a burdensome to Him? Like the person who wants his own way no matter how much worry, turmoil, and grief it means to those who care about him?

I want to be a source of joy and satisfaction to God. I want to bring lightness to His heart.

For that, as for all good things in life, I need His help.

2 thoughts on “Overloading God?

  1. My heart was struck by your insightful meditation on this verse. I do think we burden God (as any beloved child would his/her parent) when we become cool to His thoughts, plans, and commands for us. Thank you. You really did unearth a diamond from the endless mine of the Bible.

Surely you could add something...