One thought on “Here Am I

  1. Hi Mark,
    “Did Isaiah choose his purpose in life, did he lay down his own planes or was it God who set into motion His?”

    As we can see in these verses it was God that revealed to Isaiah what was ahead. When his flesh had been striped away and so his excuses laid to rest, his heart response was obedience although his calling was a hard one.

    Like us all God knows each of our hearts response to His call, we are chosen with foreknowledge, as we are predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His son and in all things God has the Supremacy, so nothing and nobody can prevent His purposes and plans being fulfilled.

    So then do we choose how we are going to serve the Lord, do we equip ourselves for the task and motivate and pump ourselves up with fine sounding statements like yes we can do it, yes we have got what it takes or do we rest in the Lord trusting Him to fulfil His purposes and planes through us, Scripture tells us it is the latter.

    Yes we have a choice we are not puppets, but God knows what our choice will be. Christian Love Anne

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