eBook Freebie from Dorcas Smucker

Wherein you can help boost the LifeInTheShoe lady further into the Amazon stratosphere

OK, so you entered my drawing win an autographed copy of Dorcas Smucker’s latest book (read my review, will ya?). And somebody else won it.

You knew you could buy your own non-autographed copy of Tea and Trouble Brewing via Amazon. You didn’t get that done either.

Well, today you can… Read it all

Free Kindle eBooks 07-11-13

Even if you don't have a Kindle device thingy

I picked out a few free Kindle ebooks for your consideration. Remember, you don’t need a Kindle to get them and read them!

5 Things You Must Know To Beat The Stock Market — A book that gives you a completely different perspective of the stock market from the eyes of an experienced stock market veteran.

Essential Fish Care In Aquaponics — This book is designed to give the beginner and mid-range Aquaponic grower a good foundation in providing the best possible care to their fish. All those little questions people ask about raising fish in Aquaponic systems can be answered in this free-right-now ebook.

Apple Cider Vinegar Diet Handbook — Feel better with more energy and clearer thinking. Get that beautiful glow with a fast and easy cleanse. Enjoy better health with apple cider vinegar benefits, uses, and cures. Read it all

Dorcas Smucker Book Winner

Some happy soul won free copy of Dorcas Smucker's latest book, Tea and Trouble Brewing. Congratulations to...you didn't think I'd give a sneak preview, did you?

To all of you who read my review of Dorcas Smucker’s new book Tea and Trouble Brewing, thank you!

To all of you who entered the drawing for a free copy of that book, thank you!

To Dorcas Smucker, who graciously commented on my review and who generously provided the book to give away, thank you!

To Research Randomizer, which provided the winning number, thank you! (Disclaimer: I didn’t properly vet that site. If it’s a bad one, I hope Zone Alarm and Microsoft Security Essentials did their jobs!)

Now, here’s the winning number! Read it all

Dorcas Smucker Book Drawing Winding Down

Last call to enter to win Dorcas Smucker's new book, Tea and Trouble Brewing.

I expect to choose a winner the day after tomorrow.

At this point, it appears 31 people have entered the drawing for Dorcas Smucker’s newest book: Troubles in a Tea Pot. Actually, that is not the title.

For the correct title (and to enter the drawing), just click that pretend title.

Above all, love God!