Those Headers?

You know, those long photos across the top that feature…well…me.

Was I (and/or am I yet) suffering from narcissism or egotism or acuteselfawarenessism?

Actually, they’re because of the original name of this blog: Mark’s Views, Perhaps. (That’s why the URL includes mvp!)

That aside, here’s a little info on each. And eventually I might even link to the full photo.

[singlepic id=667 w=320 h=67]Reading in the Shade

Here I am outside the mission house in Santa María in Guaymas Valley in Mexico’s Sonora state. Margaret Miller lives there. Joe Masts used to live there. So did we. I think I’d like to live there again.

[singlepic id=665 w=320 h=67]Waiting on the Laundry

There I am, all alone, in a laundromat in Crescent City, California (as I recall). We were traveling down Hwy 101 on our way to Mexico. “A watched dryer always toils” — that’s my freshly-invented (3/23/12 at 1:50 pm Pacific) revision of “a watched pot never boils.”

[singlepic id=664 w=320 h=67]Riding Shotgun

In our Chevy conversion van. On our way to Mexico. Middle daughter driving. I am watchfully and alertly and ready-to-jump-into-action-quickly riding shotgun. The previous sentence suffers from DFRS (Disconnected from Reality Syndrome).

[singlepic id=663 w=320 h=67]Walking the Beach

Here you have another’s perspective of me at water’s edge at Playas el Cochorit (aka Cochorit Beach), not so far from Empalme, Sonora, México (and only several miles further from Guaymas). I remember going to that beach in my childhood!

[singlepic id=661 w=320 h=67]Facing the Setting Sun

This too is at Cochorit, although it’s a year or two or three later. I’m shown here walking toward my wife Ruby, though I turned around in less than a minute to go back to retrieve my camera. Further on down the beach is our friend Chris Strubhar. Off in the distance, where the sun doth set, are the mountains of Guaymas.

2 thoughts on “Those Headers?”

  1. You crack me up Mark ? I like your writing style and content. I like the pictures at the top too! Off to read more! God Bless. Karen in Holmes Co., OH


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