Another Woman

I’m not a woman, so I can’t make a difference for another woman’s heart.

OK, that clarification aside, a four-frame picture story….

Cheerios: Free cholesterol screening

Cheerios: Another woman's heart

Cheerios: Donation code inside

Cheerios: $1 donation code used by Mark Roth

I’m waiting and waiting for to finish loading so I “can make a difference for another woman’s heart.”

still waiting….

I see now it’s a Flash page. I’m on a very slow (31.2 Kbps) dial-up connection. Sorry, no $1 donation for free cholesterol screening this morning.

I was anticipating feeling like a politician — giving away someone else’s money. 😯

On the other hand, politicians get paid to give away others’ money. 🙄

Thankfully, it’s Sunday so I can plan to put some offering money in the collection plate later this morning.

Above all, love God!